Past Events


Oct 18


4:00–5:00 pm Jones 226

GABOR PATAKI, Department of Statistics & Operations Research, University of North Carolina

Oct 17
Oct 11
Alexander B. Watson


4:00–5:00 pm Jones 226

ALEXANDER WATSON, Mathematics Department, Duke University

Oct 10
Oct 1
Zellencia Harris

Orientation Week

Through September 27, 2019

New Student Orientation Week.
This week is also Course Registration week for ALL Students.

Sep 23
David Bindel

RTG Summer Lectures 2019

1:30–5:30 pm Stevanovich Center, MS 112

Lectures 5 & 6: Spectral methods in network analysis
Speaker: David Bindel, Cornell University

Jun 21
David Bindel

RTG Summer Lectures 2019

1:30–5:30 pm Stevanovich Center, MS 112

Lectures 3 & 4: Scalable kernel methods
Speaker: David Bindel, Cornell University

Seminar II: Empirical risk minimization over deep neural networks overcomes the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of Kolmogorov PDEs
Speaker: Julius Berner, University of Vienna

Jun 19
David Bindel

RTG Summer Lectures 2019

1:30–5:30 pm Stevanovich Center, MS 112

Lectures 1 & 2: Latent factor models
Speaker: David Bindel, Cornell University

Seminar I: Empirical risk minimization over deep neural networks overcomes the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of Kolmogorov PDEs
Speaker: Julius Berner, University of Vienna

Jun 17