April 5, 2018
Justin Finkel was recently selected for a highly competitive Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. Justin’s research goals include developing and extending more flexible data-driven methods to analyze and forecast climate dynamics. As a first year PhD student, Justin has been pursuing an interdisciplinary line of study, augmenting the CAM courses with courses in geophysical fluid dynamics. The DOE CSG Fellowship will support Justin’s study for 4 years, and provide him with additional opportunities such as a 12 week practicum experience at a DOE lab. Justin came to U.Chicago after undergraduate study at Washington University in St. Louis where he majored in both mathematics and physics.
Aaron Chen has been selected for a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. This fellowship will support his applied mathematics research for the next three years. In 2017, Aaron was a recipient of a research grant from the University of Chicago’s Physical Sciences Division, which was made possible through the Neubauer Family Initiative for Graduate Education. Aaron has broad interests in both mathematics and computer science, and came to U.Chicago after undergraduate study in mathematics at Cornell University.
Congratulations to Justin and Aaron for these honors and also these exciting opportunities.