Student Research Poster Day

4:00–5:00 pm Jones 303

5747 S. Ellis 

We invite all students (Stat and CAM) and faculty to the Student Research Poster Day event hosted by the Committee on Community, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CCEDI). Selected student research posters will be installed in Jones 303 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm on February 27, and everyone is welcome to come and look around; light snacks will be provided!   

Call for posters 

We invite submissions of all research posters from Stat and CAM students. There is no restriction on the topic; you are welcome to submit any research work done during your graduate program (Stat/CAM, PhD/MS) though we suggest submitting recent research. There will be awards with prizes for the best posters.  


Submit proposals 

Please submit your poster proposal by February 1 through (UChicago sign-in required). We will announce the selected proposals on February 2. Once your proposal is selected, you should email your final poster by February 26. We will print and install posters for you; we will cover the printing cost. 


Please email if you have any questions. 

Posters on display

Name Program Poster title
Geer Yang CAM MS Quantum State Tomography via Tensor Ring Representation
Rong Jiang CAM Phd Batched Nonparametric Contextual Bandit
Hwanwoo Kim CAM Phd Bayesian Optimization with Noise-Free Observations: Improved Regret Bounds via Random Exploration
Ruiting Liang CAM Phd Conformal prediction after efficiency-oriented model selection
Phillip Lo CAM Phd Recovery of High Dimensional Noisy Curves
Peter Nekrasov CAM Phd Numerical Approaches to Understanding Flexural Wave Scattering in Sea Ice and Ice Shelves
Suzanna Parkinson CAM Phd Depth Separation in Learning via Representation Costs
Yifan Peng CAM Phd Nonparametric Estimation via Variance-Reduced Sketching
Abigail Poteshman CAM Phd Leveraging topological constraints to accelerate spontaneous electric polarization calculations
Aabesh Bhattacharyya Stat Phd Group Weighted Conformal Prediction
Soham Bonnerjee Stat Phd Gaussian approximations for non-stationary and multiple time series with applications in Synchronization Testing
Lin Gui Stat Phd Aggregating Dependent Signals with Heavy-Tailed Combination Tests
Yu Gui Stat Phd Conformalized matrix completion
John Hood Stat Phd The Allocore Tensor Decomposition for Sparse Count Data
Rohan Hore Stat Phd Distribution free conditional predictive inference: randomization enables robust guarantees.
Yeo Jin Jung Stat Phd Topic Modeling for Spatially Coherent Documents
Wei Kuang Stat Phd Online Covariance Matrix Estimation in Stochastic Inexact Newton Methods
Yating Liu Stat Phd Debiased Differential Network Estimator via Kendall’s Tau for Transelliptical Graphical Models
Kiho Park Stat Phd The Linear Representation Hypothesis and the Geometry of Large Language Models
Yuguan Wang Stat Phd Subspace method of moments for ab-initio Cryo-EM reconstruction
Yuepeng Yang Stat Phd Top-K ranking with a monotone adversary

Event Type



Statistics, CAM>

Feb 27