CCAM Welcomes New Faculty!

June 9, 2021

The Committee is excited to welcome the following new faculty members:

Yuxin Chen, Assistant Professor. Previously, Yuxin was a postdoctoral scholar in Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech, hosted by Prof. Yisong Yue. Yuxin received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from ETH Zurich, under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Krause. He is a recipient of the PIMCO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computing and Mathematical Sciences, a Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship, and a Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Interactive Machine Learning. Yuxin's research interest lies broadly in probabilistic reasoning and machine learning. He is currently working on developing interactive machine learning systems that involve active learning, sequential decision making, interpretable models and machine teaching.

Eric Jonas, Assistant Professor. Eric is a new professor in the Department of Computer Science, where his research focuses on the development of novel machine learning methods for inverse problems, particularly problems around molecular measurement, spectroscopy, and heliophysics. Eric did his postdoctoral work in computational imaging at UC Berkeley EECS and his undergrad and PhD work at MIT focusing on computational neuroscience.

Alisa Knizel, Assistant Professor. Before University of Chicago, Alisa was an NSF postdoctoral fellow in Department of Mathematics at Columbia University. She received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from MIT in 2017, advised by Alexei Borodin. Her research focuses on the interplay between probabilistic and algebraic properties of lattice models in statistical mechanics. Her most recent work is related to random matrix theory and interacting particle systems with applications to random growth models, traffic models and combinatorics.

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