Pedram Hassanzadeh

Associate Professor, Department of the Geophysical Sciences
Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM)

Pedram Hassanzadeh
Henry Hinds Laboratory 419


I am an associate professor at UChicago and a member of the Department of Geophysical Sciences and Committee of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Before joining UChicago, I was a tenured associate professor at Rice University. I received my Ph.D. (geophysical turbulence) and M.A. (applied mathematics) from UC Berkeley in 2013 and was a Ziff Environmental Fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences from 2013 to 2016. I received a CAREER Award from NSF in 2021 and a Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 2020.


My broad research interests are climate dynamics, scientific machine learning, fluid dynamics, computational physics, and dynamical systems. I lead the Climate Extremes Theory and Data (CeTD) group focused on integrating theory, simulations, observations, and machine learning techniques to understand the dynamics and future changes of extreme weather events in a changing climate. My group is also interested in developing new scientific machine learning techniques for improving the modeling and analysis of the climate system and turbulent flows, and more broadly, multi-scale, nonlinear dynamical systems.